iPhone Preference over other Android Phones

How does it feel like owning an iPhone?

Technology came with the improvisation of new electronic devices and took an integral part in people’s lives. Like man’s evolution, the phone has undergone various transformations, and almost every person in the world has access to a phone today. Previously, the sole purpose of a telephone was communication through calls and text messages. At first, those who owned a cell phone back in the days were highly regarded and called `rich.` As years progressed and as technology evolved, the phone has transformed, upgrading its features. Today you cannot brag so much that you own a phone, whether it’s a cellphone, feature phone, a smart feature phone or an android phone. However, an iPhone is the most valuable type of android and smartphone in the market today. An iPhone is an expensive phone; it is easy to operate and fast in browsing speed.

Why people choose iPhone over Android Phones

People who own an iPhone may have different testimonies as to why they went for it. To some, it is because of taste and preferences and, to others, prestige. Below is a list of some of the reasons why most people prefer to use iPhones over other android phones:

It is easy and consistent to use – iPhone is user-friendly hence easy to use; once you switch it on, the apps within are easy to operate. Almost all iPhones are consistent in performance as the features work fast compared to Android phones, which is a bit harder to manage depending on its launcher.

The value – iPhones are expensive phones, but their value does not decrease over time. It keeps it worth it and, therefore, easy to resell.

Security – iPhones report fewer security breaches since it has malware function that protects it from hackers. Tracing an iPhone in case of theft is an easy process, unlike most Android phones that are easily accessible by unknown sources, which can corrupt your content.

Updating IOS can be done whenever – You can upgrade the IOS in iPhone whenever time that suits you best compared to most Android phones that run older versions of Android OS.

Quality of videos and photos – iPhones are not the best for photo quality, but most have excellent cameras that provide consistent image and video quality with accurate skin tones.

Accessible features – They have higher accessibility of inbuilt features that are fast and efficient to use, thus their preference.

Better integration of Software and Hardware – iPhones are susceptible to touch, and one doesn’t need to press an icon so hard for it to respond. It requires a light tapping in the icon bar, and the response is so fast, making it efficient.

Repairing your iPhone

In case your iPhone develops mechanical damage or malfunctions, you can contact iPhone repair customer services. They are certified service providers who qualify in repairing damaged iPhones backed by Apple. The cost of your repair services depends on the kind of damage caused to your iPhone. The repairs vary from a cracked screen, battery replacement, and other malfunctions.

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