Dedicated servers increase your site speed

Whether a dedicated server can help increase the speed of your website or not is an interesting question but before we delve into it, we have to agree that site speed is a very important aspect of web hosting. A site that loads slow will obviously affect your SEO rating and raise the bounce rate and that is something that you should never entertain. A high bounce rate won’t be doing your website any favors. Instead, it will only cost you money and business. It can be a devastating blow to your website and business in general if customers can’t be able to get a web page to load like it should.

One or two seconds of delay can also affect the ranking of your website a lot and if there is anything you can do about it, you should as fast as possible.

The big question

So, can migrating your website from a shared hosting provider to a dedicated server actually increase the speed of your website? You may be working on a tight budget and wondering if investing in dedicated hosting worth it if you should just stick with your shared hosting. Well, the answer to that question is, dedicated hosting has a significant positive impact on the speed of a website. Web pages that are hosted on dedicated servers load much faster and more effectively when compare to the ones that are hosted on shared servers. Here is how this happens.

How a dedicated server increases site speed

What happens when you buy shared hosting space is that the hosting service provider only rents you the space you have purchased. In most cases, this will be a gigabyte of space or so. What you need to remember that when you rent such a small amount of disk space, the provider still rents the remaining space to other clients, and this could be millions of other clients. Now, all of these clients have to be shared the computing power of the server. That means that all these websites are loaded on the same RAM because they all have to be running at the same time. These websites take up disk space, bandwidth, and processing memory among other. That means that in case there is a sanction in the server, your RAM, hard disk, and bandwidth allocation is reduced automatically and that can reduce the performance of your website significantly. When you have a dedicated server, all these don’t happen.

Last words…

Investing in a dedicated server is a very important step for your business, especially if you are a fast-growing startup. Startups start with very little site speed but with proper strategy and marketing, that can change in a matter of a few months. When that happens, you need to be ready with a solution so that you don’t go through the problems that a poorly performing site does. You need to invest in a dedicated server in advance to mitigate any problems and ensure that your website is always performing as fast and as efficiently as it should.

When you are looking for dedicated servers Australia should be your first choice.

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